“WhatsApp can’t see your messages or listen to your calls”: the app is defended...

DANIEL J. OLLERO Madrid Updated Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 12:27The encryption of end-to-end guarantees the safety and secrecy of communications through the platformThe polmica arising from the update in the terms and conditions...

Learn about the symptoms of Russian volunteers who received an experimental covid-19 vaccine

Researchers at Moscow's Séchenov University , working on the development of a covid-19 vaccine, gave an injection of an experimental drug to the second group of twenty...

Soulless: subject steals three mechanical fans and tries to sell them on social networks

Yesterday, the PDI arrested a subject who, through social networks, tried to sell three mechanical ventilators, which had been stolen from a medical supplies company last week in the...

Analysis of Godfall to PS5

VideoanálisisCounterplay Games gives a twist to the combat in the third person'Godfall'it is one of the first exclusives for the new generation Sony, a new game of...

Digital marketing is a big and complex field that encompasses numerous tactics

Digital marketing is a big and complex field that encompasses numerous tactics, psychological tricks and methods, as well as various technologies. As you might have guessed, SEO...

Leartiker develop a patch roll-up minimally invasive procedure to treat the infarct

Nine entities are involved in the project Cardiopatch, who leads the University of Navarra. The centro tecnolgico participate in a project to develop a patch 'smart' and roll-in...

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